About us

Bugs for Birds was born in Boulder, Colorado. Philip Taylor recognized their serious potential for providing nutrition on a global scale, without the environmental damage that conventional, more resource-intensive sources of protein create.

We simply can’t continue tearing down virgin forests to plant soy mono-cultures, or depleting already over-exploited wild fisheries to make fishmeal – both staple ingredients in livestock feed. Insects, understandably, have been overlooked as a feed ingredient, but after-all they make up a significant portion of many animals’ natural diet – especially birds!

Our Black Soldier Fly larvae are raised off of recycled, pre-consumer food, helping turn a food waste problem into a sustainable protein solution. How cool!

5% of our Profits fund Mad Agriculture

This Colorado-based non-profit develops carbon farming plans for regional farms, runs lively community forums around key issues, and promotes formidable Regenerative Agriculture initiatives. We’re thankful for their value-driven work, passionate team, and tireless activism.